Earlier this year, P3I partnered with KHON2 to develop a 30-minute special to share the pathways and opportunities available to students, professionals and military personnel that lead to careers in Hawai‘i’s defense sector. These opportunities, specifically in intelligence, information security, data science, and cybersecurity are high-paying careers based here at home. Rather than seeking opportunities elsewhere, its P3I’s mission to provide these pathways that allow students, residents to live, work and stay in Hawai‘i. To watch the special, titled “Live Work Stay Hawai‘i” visit LINK

Over the Summer, P3I worked with local artist Kelsie Dayna to illustrate what it means to “Live Work Stay Hawai‘i”. Featuring a multigenerational home, where a high school student is working on a Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) project, a college student is building out code, and a professional working on data at home. Elements like a surfboard, mangoes in the kitchen, slippers on the front porch, tūtū in palaka print, and a rooster was added to make the home feel more like Hawai‘i. In addition, six stamps illustrating various careers within Hawai‘i’s defense sector were created: data science, information technology, intelligence, cybersecurity, software engineers and electronic professional. Each with a computer personifying each career. Throughout the year, we encourage P3I partners and students to interact or participate in P3I sponsored events for the opportunity to receive specialty items with these illustrations.